How to arrive

Serena is situated in Lahnus (Northern Espoo area) along road 120 to Vihti. It is approximately 20 km from Helsinki city center. You can reach Serena by bus, your own car, or taxi.

By car

How do I get to Serena?

Serena is situated along road 120 between Helsinki and Vihti. From Helsinki it is approximately 20 km to Serena.

How do I get to Serena?

Serena is situated along road 120 between Helsinki and Vihti. From Helsinki it is approximately 20 km to Serena.

By bus

Bus Schedules

Please write Serena (bus stop E7937) as your final destination when searching bus lines in Some of the buses arrive directly at the Serena entrance gate. Another option is to leave the bus at Lahnus Shell gas station and walk the rest of the trip by foot (1,9 km). So you can also put Shell Lahnus (bus stop E7221) as the end station if you can’t find a suitable route to the Serena end station.

From Helsinki

Usually the most frequent bus line from the center of Helsinki is the bus line 345. From Shell Lahnus, it is a 1.9 km walk to the gate of Serena. Enter Shell Lahnus as the end station in HSL’s route guide. Schedule.

From Espoo Leppävaara

Bus line 236 directly to Serena: Schedule.

Bus Schedules

Please write Serena (bus stop E7937) as your final destination when searching bus lines in Some of the buses arrive directly at the Serena entrance gate. Another option is to leave the bus at Lahnus Shell gas station and walk the rest of the trip by foot (1,9 km). So you can also put Shell Lahnus (bus stop E7221) as the end station if you can’t find a suitable route to the Serena end station.

From Helsinki

Usually the most frequent bus line from the center of Helsinki is the bus line 345. From Shell Lahnus, it is a 1.9 km walk to the gate of Serena. Enter Shell Lahnus as the end station in HSL’s route guide. Schedule.

From Espoo Leppävaara

Bus line 236 directly to Serena: Schedule.

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